Vitamine C

In order to measure this preponderant vitamin LIBIOS proposes its enzymatic assay kit of ascorbic acid (L-ascorbate) (vitamin C). This assay kit is efficient in drinks, meats, flours, dairy products, animal feeds, wine, plants, pharmaceutical products, samples and organic crops.

Very stable, this kit is suitable to manual formats, microplates and auto-analyser.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C plays a very important role in big functions of the body: defense against viral and bacterial infections, protection of the wall of blood vessels, assimilation of iron, antioxidant action (capture of free radicals), healing. Vitamin C also promotes iron absorption.

Vitamin C is present in all plants but in varying amounts.
Vitamin C is also the most fragile of all vitamins: it is sensitive to water, heat, air and light. For example, at room temperature, half of the vitamin C content of a food can be lost in 24 hours. Cooking and storage methods must therefore be adapted to limit losses.

The nutritional references take into account the coverage of vitamin C needs in the context of its dual role, antiscorbutical power and antioxidant power. Vitamin C needs are increased in certain pathological situations (fracture, infections, cancer treatment) but also depending on lifestyles (intense physical activity, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking).

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